Rajaratnam School of International Studies

The S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) is a global think tank and school of graduate education offering Master of Science Programmes in Strategic Studies, International Relations, International Political Economy, and Asian Studies. Its five Research Centres and two Research Programmes, led by the Executive Deputy Chairman, and assisted by the Dean on the academic side, drive the School’s research, education and networking activities. RSIS is consistently ranked among the top regional think tanks by international publications. Analyses and thought pieces by RSIS scholars and researchers are regularly featured in reputable publications, top-tier journals, and online platforms. Commissioned reports from RSIS are shared with policymakers and stakeholders, and in some cases, these have been used to launch further studies or specific projects with other partner organisations. Since its inception, RSIS has expanded its research horizon to cover counter-terrorism and extremism, national security and defence issues, traditional and non-traditional security issues, interreligious studies, economic multilateralism, and regional economic integration. Increasingly, RSIS research delves into the emerging cross-cutting issues and technological developments having strategic impact and potential disruptive national and international security implications. RSIS provides a rigorous professional graduate education in international affairs with a strong practical emphasis; conducts policy-relevant research in defence, national security, international relations strategic studies and diplomacy; and fosters a global network of like-minded professional schools. RSIS researchers participate in deliberations at significant global and regional discussions on strategic and international affairs, such as the Shangri-La Dialogues, Council of Councils meetings, Trilateral Commission Conferences, and Halifax International Security Forums.